Life in General

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We have been pretty busy lately with S’leeney’s and life, in general. So if you have missed us a little lately, I apologize.

I have purchased so much lately. I’ve had to make myself slow down so that I have time to take photos and load everything here. After all, you folks cannot buy what’s not online, can you? So, that will be my goal for the rest of this week and next week, too, I am sure… to get our newly acquired goods online! And speaking of new goods, what are you liking these days? What are you looking for, what don’t you like?

Ok, so I’ll go now. I have lots to add. 🙂

Many smiles to you,


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I've always loved wearing vintage jewelry and clothes. It's powerful to wear something that nobody else has and that's beautiful. This is me sharing my love for beautiful, powerful, one-of-a-kind jewelry and accessories with you!

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